International Taiji and Qigong Federation


Adopted at an Executive Meeting

on 24th November 2023

Signed by:

Chair: Tary Yip

Vice Chair: Faye Yip

Secretary: David Hackett

Treasurer: Ged Hawley

Committee members:

Kenn Griffiths, Pete Hornby



The name of the organisation shall be: International Taiji and Qigong Federation (ITQF).


The aims of the organisation

  • A1: Build alliances both nationally and internationally with individuals and organisations that have a common interest in promoting and developing Taiji and Qigong for the benefit of all.
  • A2: Become a recognised world-wide advisory body on Taiji and Qigong.

The organisation will maintain:

  1. A register of accredited teachers, schools / clubs that will be accessible to anyone searching for a registered Instructor in Taiji and / or Qigong;
  2. An Insurance system for teaching members;
  3. A periodical publication and news bulletins on Taiji and Qigong matters;
  4. A “library” of books, articles, videography that capture and record information for its members;
  5. “Template” documentation for guidance to teachers running classes e.g. policies, risk assessments, safeguarding.



In order to achieve its aims, the organisation may:

  1. Raise money;
  2. Open Bank accounts;
  3. Take out Insurance;
  4. Organise courses and other events;
  5. Work with other organisations and exchange information;
  6. Do anything that is lawful which will help the organisation to fulfil its aims.



  1. Membership of the organisation shall be open to any person over 18 who is interested in helping the organisation to achieve its aims, willing to abide by the ITQF’s Membership Terms and Conditions and willing to pay any subscription agreed by the Executive Committee.
  2. Membership shall be available regardless of gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion or belief.
  3. Each individual member shall have one vote on any matters that the Executive Committee wish to consult with its members either through a survey or at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  4. The membership of any member may be terminated for good reason by the Executive Committee, but the member has a right to appeal a notice of termination and be heard by the Executive Committee before the decision is ratified by the Executive Committee.


  1. The organisation shall be administered by an Executive Committee of Officers and not more than 5 other members elected by the Executive Committee.
  2. The Executive Committee may establish Sub-Committees with specified delegated responsibilities. (See Appendix 1 - Committee structure).
  3. The Officers of the Executive Committee shall be: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and the Secretary.
  4. The Executive Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year or more frequently as required.
  5. The Chair shall Chair all meetings of the Executive Committee or Vice Chair or an agreed proxy .
  6. The quorum for the Executive Committee meetings shall be 3 members.
  7. Voting at Executive Committee meetings shall be by show of hand. If there is a tied vote, then the Chair shall have a second vote.
  8. The Executive Committee may by a two-thirds majority vote, with good and proper reason remove any Committee member. The Committee member in question will have the right to be heard before a vote for removal.
  9. The Executive Committee may recommend a member of the organisation as a Committee member to fulfil a vacancy provided the maximum number of the Committee has not been reached. The recommendation will be ratified at the next AGM.



  1. The duties of the Chair are to:
    • Chair meetings of the Executive Committee and the organisation.
    • Represent the organisation at functions / meetings to which the organisation has been invited.
    • Act as spokesperson for the organisation when necessary.
  2. The duties of the Vice Chair are to:
    • Deputise for the Chair if they are unavailable.
  3. The duties of the Secretary are to:
    • Take and keep minutes of meetings.
    • Prepare the agenda of meetings of the Committee and the organisation in consultation with the Chair.
    • Maintain control of the membership process.
    • Deal with correspondence.
    • Collect and circulate any relevant information within the organisation.
  4. The duties of the Treasurer are to:
    • Supervise the Financial affairs of the organisation.
    • Keep proper accounts that show all monies collected and paid out by the organisation.
    • Appoint a second system administrator of the Bank Account(s).




  1. Any money obtained by the organisation shall be used only for the organisation.
  2. Any bank accounts opened for the organisation shall be in the name of the organisation.
  3. Any cheques issued shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other nominated officer.
  4. The Treasurer shall appoint a second system administrator to ensure there is contingency for the management of the on-line bank accounts.
  5. The ITQF financial year shall run from January to December.



  1. The ITQF shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year in the month of April.
  2. All members shall be given at least fourteen days’ notice of the AGM and shall be entitled to attend and vote. The quorum for an AGM shall be 3 members.
  3. The AGM business shall include:
    • Receiving a report from the Chair on the organisation’s activities over the year;
    • Receiving a report from the Treasurer on the Finances of the organisation;
    • Election of any new Executive Committee; and
    • Considering any other matters as appropriate.



A Special General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee or by any ITQF members to discuss an urgent matter. The Secretary shall give all member fourteen days’ notice of the meeting and arising business to be discussed. All members shall be entitled to attend and vote.


Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by at least two-thirds of those members present and at any General Meeting.



The ITQF may be wound up at any time if agreed by two-thirds of those members present and voting at any General Meeting. In the event of dissolution, any assets remaining after al debts have been paid shall be given to another organisation with similar aims.

Appendix 1 - Committee Structure



Chair: Tary Yip

Vice Chair: Faye Yip.

Secretary: David Hackett.

Treasurer: Ged Hawley.

Members: Kenn Griffiths, Pete Hornby.



Membership Officer: Michael Davies


Tary Yip, Gary Wragg, Pete Hornby.


  • To maintain an accreditation process for Instructor Member.